The art of tattoos has evolved for thousands of years. It has carried with it many symbolic meanings for warriors, religious ceremonies, and to attract mates in social spheres. Pretty cool huh? However, in today’s generation, plenty of people wear tattoos for aesthetics, and to express themselves through art.
If you are planning to get a tattoo, it is best to consider your decisions, especially picking a professional who’ll nail your tat. If not, you might just end up regretting it.
The following tattoos are simply beyond help. Whether the person wearing it realized it or not, it’s too late.
1. With Great Nolege Comes Great Responsibility
The silent k strikes again on another unsuspecting victim. What hurts more than the misspelled word is probably the font style that resembles that of a 1st grader getting acquainted with how to write out the alphabet.
I’m truly left with no words. I feel like screaming in perplexity or just screaming from such a horrendous sight to behold. If any bar was raised, it was the bar of no shame whatsoever.
We thank Disney for the exclusive backstage pass sneak peek into the casting of the new “Cheetah Girls” movie. As of now, those auditioning are required to look as if though they are morphing into a full-fledged feline. No payments nor contributions will be paid to undergo this life-changing procedure.
The powerful fictional demi-god has been reduced to a derpy clown-looking stunt double. Not even slaying Zeus will offer this hero any protection from the damage that’s already been done.
Is it me, or am I the only one not getting the appeal of having text wrap around objects? Great message and all, but the disconnection of the words from the actual inked subject dulls down the entirety of the finished product that much more. It’s like trying to demonstrate how to drink water by blowing out fire.
Brenda must have been a special gal. Let’s hope Brenda gets a chance to see this in case she ever reconsiders her styles for signatures. I’m sure she will have no shortage of options from this list.
It seems this gentleman’s wish for getting a neck tattoo came true. The only thing is he may need to rethink his words next time he asks for a neck tattoo.
Modern-day trends start from literally anything that might seem to call great attention on itself. We might be looking at what could be the start of a very interesting hairstyle moving forward.
Remember who you are Simba, and also who you’re not. I understand Lion King fandom, but I just don’t understand the lengths of how far some people will go. At any rate, Simba should go pull his wisdom teeth out soon before the cheek inflammation gets worse.
This fine creation resembles what looks like a neverending labyrinth puzzle. The asymmetrical lines and skewing of the overall shape fill me with a sense of queasiness. Here I thought roller coasters with loops were bad.
We can’t go back in the past, but we can certainly learn about grammar at a young age. The misspelling of the word “decisions” leaves us wondering how did nobody stop this train wreck from happening since the first comma.
Maybe a pen should have been used instead of permanent tattoo ink to avoid this terrible occurrence. What pains me the most is the fact that the artist was able to spell “gain” correctly, but was off by one letter.
No sense in hiding from the obvious that this person truly lives life on the edge. So much on the edge, in fact, that I can only assume he did this in reverence of being a grammar rebel. Indeed you only live once, so I highly suggest this person grab a dictionary before it’s too late.
Here we have what looks like a cross between a templar priest, extraterrestrial, and satanic rock and roller. The disfigured, wax-looking face along with the ominous staff is just plain creepy.
Look no further for the perfect fast food restaurant life hack. If ever your phone has no battery you can rest assure your fingers can always help you decide where you’re getting your next batch of cholesterol. Just be sure you’re willing to keep these ads going for a very, very long time.
I’m a firm believer in never setting limits on your child’s abilities, but I might make an exception after seeing this. Hopefully, she becomes a prodigy and never looks back at a moment where she should’ve decided to stop herself from committing any more mistakes.
This end result of this tattoo just makes the original look like it was transported into the future by 60 years. The facial wrinkles and awkward shading make this end result look like the Penguin’s doppelganger.
This looks more like a lion’s face before it has properly formed before being birthed. The derpy looking eyes with its awkward nose structure sets this one apart from the pack with a low chance of survival.
If the body is in fact a temple, why desecrate it with this atrocity? A little more careful attention next time would really help shape up a strong foundation in this temple.
This one actually had my skin cringe and tingle. I hope this person enjoys seeing the mortified look on people’s faces when he realizes his face is the stuff of nightmares.
This calamity of a constellation seems like a direct continuation of the acclaimed “Twilight Zone” series. On this episode, we feature a powerful lesson that seems cannot be learnt by the protagonist for the foreseeable future.
Someone is going to have a tough time at their Sunday church gatherings. It might be time to invest in a nice sleeve to cover up this cardinal sin from ever subduing someone’s eyesight.
They say blood is thicker than water, but ink is thicker than both. The word “family” looks to be jumbled up in a very erratic way. I hope this does not bring any ancestral shame upon her family.
The common theme of misspelled words is no stranger to some tattoo artists. Maybe at some we will adopt the new age words for us to dig deeper into our own language. Until then, please remember to adhere to grammatical rules as to not cause anymore pain to my retina.
I take it this is a homage to all the great cavemen and their inspiring cave drawings. This could also be a pattern of clues indicating some sort of unearthed treasure chest. The world may never know.
I can get the creative idea behind this work. Now when it comes to creative execution, it seems my eyeballs get pricked at just a glance. The rose sticks out about as awkward as your 7-year-old nephew bringing in a Halloween costume for Christmas.
This is what you get if you stick the Travelocity gnome as a cast member of The Walking Dead. Frightening as it may seem, it’s actually kind of adorable…as a Halloween decoration.
Did the ink drip off as the artist drew? Did Captain America absorb some kind of shot that split his chest open? I have too many questions and not enough answers on this one.
Well, if this isn’t the the most accurate statement you’ll read all day I don’t know what is. That’s one way to make sure to tell its 100% real alright. When nature calls, you just have to let it fly.
What better way to celebrate the art of writing than to have a typewriter branded across your chest. What leaves me puzzled is what possessed this typewriter to keep going with all this unneccessary waste of paper and writing? I don’t quite believe we have the technology for that answer.
If Man was made in the image of God, then I’m not quite so sure he would want to be mocked in a tattoo. To make the matter more interesting, it looks like the subject preferred praising how far gone he was in getting this tattoo branded rather than actually honoring his father.
I was almost in a state of approval for this tattoo except I could not help noticing the clumped up circles in the background. I feel like this is a Rorschach test that aims to hypnotize me until I can unsee all of these invasive swirling circles coming at me. The anchor is really about the only thing keeping me grounded from all the brainwashing.
I can see what this tattoo was going for. It’s a great idea in theory, but in practice it has much to be desired from. You don’t have to go all the way to Pamplona to want to run away from this bull.
I see this and I understand that it’s just a test of balance: how long can I stare at this without mentally capsizing my brain into the depths of confusion. I’m just going to breathe and pretend I never saw this.
Many mysteries surround the allegations faced against Michael Jackson. Ironically, this stands as both a testament to all of the wonderful and not so wonderful things Michael achieved in his lifetime. Whoever touched the face of MJ on this tattoo, however, deserves to be put away for some time.
Really? Potty training wasn’t an effective method for this one, so I guess a daily reminder of where it all gets released doesn’t sound like such a bad idea. Just don’t forget to label where your brain is located while you’re at it in case you lose it again.
If you’re a tattoo artist I urge that you please don’t drink and draw. This image clearly resembles nothing about Elvis Presley. The droopy eyes and puckered mouth combine into what can only be described as visual dread.
I want to believe in many things. Namely in this image I want to believe there is still redemption for this person after realizing the mistake they’ve made. One can only dream.
At first glance, I wasn’t too upset at the aesthetics of this project. Upon a closer look, however, I noticed the owl staring with so much piercing intent that I almost shuddered at it. While I would like to marvel at this more often, the owl’s glare keeps pushing me to stay away.
This is where an obsession with cats mixed with a hunger for bananas lands you. While the artwork is interesting, the disturbing feeling of seeing cat fetuses next to protruding bananas stirs so much discomfort in me that I don’t know if I could ever recover.
The contortions of this baby’s face gives me the feeling that its about to turn into a vampire at any moment. What was supposed to be captured as a moment of joyful satisfaction has warped into the inspiration for another horror adaptation.
Hey I have a great idea! Let’s celebrate The Day of the Dead every day and while we’re at it lets go steal from the local Walmart down the street! The police will never suspect a thing!
They say only the strongest will survive, however, I don’t know what strength it took to carve this ghastly eyesore. I think the strongest thing that will come out of this isn’t necessarily z living, but instead her ability to make it out of this life without getting an infectious amount of eyebrow raises.
A clever Spiderverse tattoo gone wrong. The out of place shoe lace sticks out and adds a layer of inadequacy. Spiderman’s senses may be too late in trying to save this one.
Talk about waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Someone should wake this man up from his slumber and let him know he’s on a timer to take back his face before the ink gets to him first.
Happiness didn’t look like any viable option with this piece of work. From a misspelling to a sloppy cover-up, there was really no hope to begin with. The only choice left making is how to choose to learn from this.
Well, if these people realize that their tattoos horrible, there is always the option of erasing it via laser, or getting another tattoo to cover it up. Although, we could all agree that it’ll just cost more.
The art of tattoos has evolved for thousands of years. It has carried with it many symbolic meanings for warriors, religious ceremonies, and to attract mates in social spheres. Pretty cool huh? However, in today’s generation, plenty of people wear tattoos for aesthetics, and to express themselves through art.
If you are planning to get a tattoo, it is best to consider your decisions, especially picking a professional who’ll nail your tat. If not, you might just end up regretting it.
The following tattoos are simply beyond help. Whether the person wearing it realized it or not, it’s too late.